Sunday, November 05, 2006

Language in Psychology

In psychology we recently studied how language influenced culture, and vice versa. We found examples on how it did work, and how it didn't. In some examples, we could even see how language is a manifestation of culture, and how one can see aspects of a culture through the language associated with that culture (for example, in Japanese they have multiple ways of saying "I", whereas we really only have one. That could show how it is important to identify status and relationships in Japan when speaking, but maybe not so much in the U.S.). We are just starting to look at language as a WoK in TOK. Does TOK look at language the same way as psychology?


ELanciotti said...

Well I'm no expert but it seems to me that the answer to that question is partially yes, and partially no. While psychology looks at how language is developed in a human's mind through culture, TOK looks more at the product of this and how language is used to effect a person's knowledge. At the same time though each culture does use language differently and this is psychological and TOK at the same time. Do you get what I mean. It is the same idea but psychology is more the development of language and TOK the implimentation of that language in a that right?

eyes like tar said...

I think TOK looks at language in usually the same light as Pshycology, but maybe a little more direct approach, it would seem. I've never taken Psycology, I'd take it next year. But we're constantly talking about our language, like Knowledge, Truth, Justified, Culture, Beliefs, etc. I think all cultures, no matter if it's as small as a classroom or as big as the entire United States have their own defined language, but we constantly find new ways to bend our language. An example would be the use of "like" in every other word in a sentence. "Like" has lost it's real meaning, or it's significance has diminished. Same with more loose terms, deemed as slang.