Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"I don't know much." -Socrates

Agree or disagree?:
"The only thing that I know is that I know nothing." -Socrates

Will you openly admit that the only piece of knowledge that we can hold that is an absolute truth is that we don't know much? Or we don't really know anything to begin with.
But then perhaps we get more? Or not?

Side note: (Ignore this side note unless you're looking for a good bit of entertainment at my expense).
Did my question make sense? sorry i'm tired and my right eye was pushed into my head by like a foot or so when my dad tried to touch my forehead and give me acne when he was being evil but missed and hit my eye instead. owch. (I was exaggerating a bit about my eye being pushed in by a foot in distance...because that would mean my eye came out the back of my head a while back). (hahaha lol). (ok i'll be quiet now).

Do humans possess truth? How much? How do we know? Are these good enough questions dangit?


Vvyynn said...

I'd get that eye thing checked out, My uncle died of "Foot-Eye". Do we as humans possess truth. I would have to say that Socrates took a very safe approach in stating that the only thing he is certain about is that he knows nothing (paraphrased). So, if you want to be safe and the like, yes this is true. However, I'd like to think that I hold some truth in me (Of course, it's my ego speaking, and not my reasoning). Also, if you are going along with the "universal truth", then we all possess a part of the universal truth, we just don't know what it is. Well, I've got an extended essay to work on.

Vvyynn said...

Saca Puntos! I have nothing more to say, but I'm fulfilling my own destiny as prescribed by myself. You make to the sense for I am the walrus lives in a cool dry place settler of the West of the border of the nice Dali painting to the left of Limaugh's views.

Vvyynn said...

I actually said something last post? Wow, that's news to me.