Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Truman Show

How do you know that you're not the main character in your own "Truman Show"? If you haven't seen the movie, here's a summary:



pichachoo said...

I sometimes think that aliens are watching us all, and each of us all have their "Truman Show". It sometimes keeps me from doing bad things. Granted, I may be insane for just thinking that aliens are watching me, but at the same time, it keeps me sane, because I know my actions are constantly watched. Rather, if aliens are watching me, my actions are constantly watched. Which they may or may not be.

Greg Nelson said...

I am in agreement with daniel. In which case, we are much like those men locked in chains in the cave, staring at shadows that pass by our line of sight. Ignorant, yet relatively content in knowing we do not know. How would it change our view of the world, knowing our lives as we know them are essentially fake? I haven't seen the movie, so my knowledge of it is limited only to the brief synopsis provided.