Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mercy Killings

Click the link above to get some background on rationale behind mercy killings.

After reading the article do you think that in certain situations mercy killings should be allowed to preserve the dignity of the person?
Please justify your answers? Is you decision based off of personal experiences, morals, religious preachings, etc?

If so, what were those situations?

Food for Thought:
If a pet that you owned was in extreme pain would you euthanize them to preserve their dignity and prevent further suffering?
How are humans any different?


Anna said...

Depending on the circumstances, I believe that the practice of euthaniasia should be availible to patients who are in extreme states of suffering, for instance, someone who is braindead but being kept alive through a feeding tube. I know some people who've shared their opinons on this topic to me many times, and told me that if they were braindead, they'd wants to be euthanized straight away, rather than inflict their suffering on thier family.

I think that above all, this question relates to one's own self awareness, and certaily ethics. Which of the six ethical standards is most relevant in helping scientists and researchers answer this controversial question? Who should decide which rules to abide by?

katrina337 said...

I think euthanasia is actually a really good practice. At some point, people are just ready to die. Why not let them? (Specifically in the cases mentioned in the article and on here).

I mean, I don't agree with suicide, but I don't think we should force people to stay alive when they're in a horrible condition and don't want to.

It can be considered completely unethical, except for the part about doing what's best for the individual. But that's a highly subject concept.

Dani said...

I think it should at least be a choice. The person could leave a stipulation in a living will that under certain circumstances they would want to be euthanized. Of course this then leads to the question of assisted suicide (however, its restricted to those terminally ill generally so its the same question).
I know we arent supposed to use fiction as a source exactly, but over spring break last year I read this book called Kill Me. Its the story of this guy who's extremely rich and very active, and after one of his friends becomes braindead in a diving accident, he finds a company that will, for a fee, kill him once certain boundaries (such as being braindead, paralyzed, terminally ill, etc) are crossed. I thought that it was an interesting concept...a free market economy at work in a, um, unusual niche.