Thursday, September 14, 2006


I have be constantly enthralled with the concept of solipsism. Solipsism is the knowledge that only the self exists. In concept of only the self existing is not new either. Philosophers such as Plato focused heavily only on the assurance that the self exists. This was shown through Plato's cave theory, which was what we read without the "others". So my question is, is there a concrete justification for the knowledge that we seemingly posses that we exist with others? Are we, as I, alone and just watching and waiting?


Vvyynn said...

I think this is a very relevant theory. I have absolutely no proof that all of you exist, and I wouldn't put it past myself to create a world to keep my mind off of the truth. Who knows? I could actually be a mentally divergent dimond miner who has just killed seven hundred people in a bus? Also, Evan, to answer your concern further: Language was taught to us by ourselves, by our own subconcious mind (according to my understanding of the theory), because everyone else is simply a subconcious manifestation. Thus, we are currently speaking, reading, writing in a language that we created by ourselves, and that only we know (and by "we", I mean I, you crazy manifestation you. Now why don't you go to gumdrop island and fight those pirates?). Well, that's all I have to say about solipsism to myself. I hope I've enjoyed reading this, because otherwise theres no point to me writing to the audience comprised of myself. *Sigh* Am I ever going to ask myself to homecomming?

Jared,givemeagooddisplaynamenow,wolschlager said...

I subscribe to the alternate theory, I can only be sure that everyone else exits and cannot assume I do.I can see all of you, but not all of me. It is equaliformitarianism.